Full-Time Enrollment Requirement
You must be enrolled for your courses by the beginning of each semester. You are expected to regularly attend classes. If you plan on taking a semester off other than summer, you must obtain prior approval from the International Center.
Full time enrollment is defined as 12 credits per semester for undergraduates, 9 credits per semester for Master’s and 6 credits per semester for Doctorate, Artist Diploma, and Graduate Professional Diploma students. The International Center is required to report enrollment to the government. Any student who is not enrolled will be reported and will be considered out of status.
Prior approval from the International Center is needed if you plan to take classes at another school. If you dual enroll, you must take the majority of your credits per semester at the University of Hartford.
Online Courses
Typically, you are only allowed to count one 3 credit online course per semester toward your full-time minimum requirement.
Reduced Course Load
There are some exceptions to the full time study rule, however, you must obtain special permission from the International Center prior to reducing your course-load.
Full time enrollment is defined as 12 credits per semester for undergraduates, 9 credits per semester for Master’s and 6 credits per semester for Doctorate, Artist Diploma, and Graduate Professional Diploma students. The International Center is required to report enrollment to the government. Any student who is not enrolled will be reported and will be considered out of status.
Prior approval from the International Center is needed if you plan to take classes at another school. If you dual enroll, you must take the majority of your credits per semester at the University of Hartford.
Online Courses
Typically, you are only allowed to count one 3 credit online course per semester toward your full-time minimum requirement.
Reduced Course Load
There are some exceptions to the full time study rule, however, you must obtain special permission from the International Center prior to reducing your course-load.